sábado, 28 de novembro de 2009

Old things fall

Pra encerrar o inglês desse ano um poeminha que não recomendo leitura. Escrevi pra me sentir melhor, e me conforta saber que poucas pessoas leem este blog.

There are things that goes through the distance.
There are things that drop in a high cliff.
We leave our life. And the life leave us.

(Whispers has told me... "Nothing will be like before"...)

My friends has passed through changes.
My head has changed.

There are new friends (not like before).
There are new funs (not like before).
There are new knowns (that doesn't matter).

There were old friends (who forgot me).
There were many laughs (missplaceds on the time)...

I just want my life again...
Nothing will be like before...
'Cause I'm alone.

4 comentários:

renan disse...

You're right my friend

Time passes by
Changes all
And old things fall

It rhymes xD

Cida disse...

Don't forget to remember ( my postcards) joinville, of course...
I sent 350 by bank.
I waiting for you...

Cida disse...

we are waiting for you...
we loving you...
come back soon, please...

. disse...

"I just want my life again...
Nothing will be like before...
'Cause I'm alone."
